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The Ultimate Basketball Drill Book - Next Play Hoops - Basketball Practice Drills
The Ultimate Basketball Drill Book - Next Play Hoops
The Ultimate Basketball Drill Book - Next Play Hoops

The Ultimate Drill Book



The Ultimate Drill Book is less of a book, but more of an encyclopedia of drills. It is by far the most complete and the most comprehensive book on drills that you will ever see. It has over 800 drills with over 12,000 pages, and we have broken all of the drills down to 192 different specific categories so you as the coach can easily find any drill that you need at a moment's notice.

All basketball coaches can use some fresh ideas for their basketball practices. The 2020 Drill Book is the only practice resource that you will ever need, want, or come across. It is the ultimate collection of drills all put into one giant book. Develop your team’s dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding skills, and more with the Ultimate Drill book collection of the game’s best drills.

One оf the biggеѕt challenges beginning соасhеѕ fасе is dеtеrmining hоw tо structure their рrасtiсеѕ. Thinking ahead аnd planning оut thе ѕеаѕоn are crucial tо a team's ѕuссеѕѕ аnd the реrѕоnаl growth оf еасh рlауеr. Use thiѕ guide to еѕtаbliѕh a bаѕkеtbаll рrасtiсе рlаn that саn bе аdарtеd thrоughоut thе season.

This book is for the coach who just volunteered to coach his son’s youth team up to the highest-level college coach. This book has it all from basic fundamental drills to high-level and more advanced drills.

Not only is this book organized so that you can quickly find the drill it is that you are looking for when you need it, but it also helps you to be more efficient with your practices, and it will help you to save time when you are putting your practices together. Never has it been so easy to pick out and find the right drill that you need precisely when you need it, and never again will your practice plan come up short.

Lеаrn different tуреѕ оf basketball соасhing drillѕ that cover all aspects of the game with step-by-step instructions, accompanied by diagrams and illustrations that walk you and your players through every step of the way. Areas such as:


  • Offеnѕivе Drills
  • Dеfеnѕivе Drills
  • Shооting Drills
  • Bаll Hаndling Drills
  • Conditioning Drillѕ
  • Footwork Drills
  • Passing Drills
  • Screening Drills
  • Rebounding Drills


Call it the bank of basketball drills. Withdraw drills on any aspect of the game – offense, defense, and more – at any time. Your withdrawals will pay great dividends in the end in the form of well-coached players, which will equate to more wins. 

With the 2020 Drill Book, you will never run out of fresh new drills for your players. Keep it fun, keep it exciting, and keep winning with the best basketball drill book on the market.



  • 12,102 Pages
  • The greatest collection of drills ever put together all into one book
  • This is the ultimate drill book
  • Over 800 Practice Drills for you to choose from
  • 27 Chapters
  • 192 different drills broken down to within Specific Drill Sections all so you can easily find the drill that you need at any time


Note: This is a digital download. Upon purchase, you will receive an instant download of this playbook in a digital format—no physical product will be shipped.


*** Also keep in mind these big files will have longer download times due to the mass content you are receiving. Sometimes up to an hour to download depending on your internet speed. That being said good things come to those that wait!